Your book’s ingredients
We’re cooks
The restaurant
10 lessons:
1. The kitchen
2. Orders are orders
3. Here’s breakfast!
4. Preparing a salad
5. Preparing and ccoking meat
6. A fish dish
7. A dessert recipe
8. Kitchen activities
9. A cook’s day
10. The international fork
«Elsewhere» themes:
Introducing yourself
Countries of the world
Days / Months / Seasons / Shopping
Daily schedules / health
Going outFamous people and places
Means of transport
Leisure timeIt’s traditional!
Would you have a job for me?
How does it work? (Grammar)
1. Alphabet & numbers
2. Articles, some & any
3. Pronouns (personal, possessive and reflexive)
4. Yes / No questions
5. Nouns & genetive form
6. Adjectives (this / that, possessive adjectives, comparatives and superlative forms)
7. Since / For / Ago
8. Time adverbs
9. Tricky words
10. Verbs (be / have, main verb forms, contracted verb forms, simple present, be + ing form, simple past, irregular verbs, was + ing form, future (will & going to), present perfect, conditional, past and present participles, can / may / must, restaurant and kitchenverbs).
Your glossary
1. Drinks
2. Starters
3. Vegetables / Spices ans herbs / Oils and vinegars
4. Fish / Crustaccans / Molluscs
5. Sauces
6. Meats
7. Dairy products
8. Cereals / Starchy foods / Rice / Pasta
9. Fruit & nuts
10. Methods for cooking and preparing food / Presenting the food